

2023-2024 (Page is not up to date)

In the 2022-2023 season the E-hackers team consisted of Benjamin Cooke, Sophia Lord, Jaxon Gideon, and two new recrutis, Benjamin Hughes and Ryan Melton. The team got the second place Inspire Award at the state championship.


1st Place Control

This years robot is named Cleo (greek for glory/victory).

Inspire Award!

We are heading to WORLDS! This has been the goa since 5th grade and we finally achieved it. We are excited about this new adventure.



E-hackers Socialmedia


Ben Cooke


Sophia Lord

Build & Team Captain 

Jaxon Gideon


In the 2021-2022 Freight Frenzy challenge E-Hackers consists of 3 members :Jaxon Gideon, Ben Cooke & Sophia Lord.

In the 2020-2021 Ultimate Goal challenge 8271 E-Hackers consisted of 5 members; Benjamin Cooke(programmer), Sophia Lord(builder, captain), Jaxon Gideon(journal, social media, builder), Franka Striefler(CAD design), and Katelynn Singer(social media, journal).

2nd Place Promote Award Winners!

Design Award Winners!

Inspire Award Winners!

During the Montana State Qualifier, 8271 won the Inspire Award and Top Ranked 3rd Place!


This is Boris our 2020-2021 robot!

Social medias 

Team consists of: Jaxon Gideon, Ben Cooke, Sophia Lord, Franka Striefler, Kate Singer


2020 Bozeman Championship Tournament

Control Award Winners!

In the 2019-2020 Skystone challenge 8271 E-Hackers consisted of 5 members; Carson Szymoniak(builder,CAD design), Benjamin Cooke(Programmer), Sophia Lord(builder, social media, co-captain), Austin Marshall(programmer), and Jaxon Gideon (builder, journal, social media, captain). The team took 1st place at the Helena MT qualifiers and won the first place Control award at state.